Home » California custom wine cellars » Protect Your Wines in California Wine Cellars & Wine Racks

Protect Your Wines in California Wine Cellars & Wine Racks

How much do you value your wine collection? Do you think you are doing your best to protect it? For something that has sentimental value or something that is so precious like your wine collections, I think they really deserve TLC. Here are the things that you can do to show that you really love your wine.

Protect Your Wines from Earthquake

Get your FREE 3D wine cellar design now!Calamities like earthquakes can occur without any warning. The best thing to do is prepare. Planning carefully where to put the wine cellar could be a great defense. It is ideal to build a California custom wine cellar in a location that will not easily give in.

Store your wines in wine racks that are tough enough to handle pressure from an earthquake. A secret to make it even tougher is to mount it firmly to the wall.

Wine bottles are expected to pitch and roll when hit by an earthquake, so you have to make sure that they are well restrained to prevent them from sliding out of your California wine racks or to prevent them from bumping each other.

Keep Wine Away from Strong Vibration

The secret of having a perfect wine is through proper storage and through a slow aging process. Slow aging processes allow wines to develop aroma and complexity of flavor through time. However, once the wine is exposed to any strong vibration, it expedites the wine aging process making it change its aroma, flavor, and taste.

Make sure that your wine storage is away from anything that vibrates like generators and washing machines. If you want to store your wines in a California wine room, ensure that it is located in a vibration-free area.

Never Expose the Wine to Direct Sunlight

Do you wonder why wine bottles are usually tinted? It is because heat is one of wine’s worst enemies. Tinted bottles reduce the exposure of wine to direct sunlight. When exposed to heat, wine tends to accelerate its aging process which will lead to premature aging and development.

Avoid Storing the Wine Vertically

Wine inside your wine cellar must be stored horizontally. This is to ensure that the wine cork will remain wet to prevent it from cracking and shrinking. A damage cork will allow too much oxygen in the wine which could lead to oxidation or wine spoilage.

Storing your wine collection in a safe place like a well-built California residential wine cellar or in quality wine storage racks is one way of protecting them from earthquakes and vibration.
CCWCIf you don’t have a custom wine cellar yet and want to ensure your wine’s safety, contact Coastal Custom by Cellars at http://www.winecellarsbycoastal.com/contact.aspx. They have a professional team that can design and build your residential wine cellar. Click here to view their wine cellar gallery.