Home » Custom Wine Cellars Los Angeles » Keeping Your Wine Safe From the Inferno That is Los Angeles-Cooling Units for Your Custom Wine Cellar

Keeping Your Wine Safe From the Inferno That is Los Angeles-Cooling Units for Your Custom Wine Cellar

It’s common knowledge that the sun in Los Angeles boils everything it shines down upon, and what you want to achieve with a Los Angeles custom wine cellar is a comfortable experience for your wine that lets it grow and mature without boiling or exploding.

Most wine cellars come equipped with a wine cellar refrigeration system that keeps the temperature and humidity at the perfect comfort level for wine. And when wine is comfortable, it can experience superb aging and quality of taste.

If you love wine, a wine cellar cooling unit can be one of the most important investments to keep your wine cool and safe. While wine generally gets better with aging, if you put it in the wrong conditions it can deteriorate.

So what are the conditions it needs to be in? While no extensive research has been done, most experts believe that wine should be kept at about 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit (10-15 degrees Celsius).

Humidity is another major component and wine should be stored at about 75% humidity. The reason it needs this humidity is to keep the cork from drying out and oxidizing the wine.

Cooling Your Wine – More Than Just a Cooler

Wine is often spoiled and ruined when the cooling system turns off, so how can you ensure that if any problem arises that your wine will still be accounted for? Some refrigeration systems will keep you updated on the temperature and humidity levels and tell you when something is going wrong. For instance, even if you are out of town, some refrigeration units have controls that can send you an alert so you can get your unit looked at even though you are not there.

Another thing to keep in mind is to have your home wine room well insulated, as this can also save money on utility costs as well as insuring the cold air stays in the cellar. Make no mistake, insulation isn’t a replacement for a good wine cellar refrigeration unit, a cooling unit is still necessary.

Choosing the Best System and Supplier for Your Wine Cellar Refrigeration Unit

A big issue is having a refrigeration unit that’s not reliable. The problem is that most companies seek to save money on their refrigeration unit by buying the cheapest components and cutting down costs as much as possible.

This means you are going to get a low quality system. A low quality system will end up costing you more in the long term with all the repairs and replacements that will need to be done. Buying from a reliable supplier like Arctic Metalworks is important if you want to have a system that will be trouble free and will last for years and years.

Arctic Metalworks is also great in the unlikely event that something does go wrong, with their skilled team of maintenance and repair workers waiting to help you in any way.

To read the full article and learn more about wine cellar refrigeration visit http://www.arcticmetalworks.com/wine-cellar-refrigeration-systems-failure-or-dependability.html#Wine%20Cellar%20Refrigeration%20Systems%20%E2%80%93%20The%20Recipe%20for%20Dependability