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Custom Wine Cellars Should Not Only Be Functional and Efficient but Also Beautiful

Constructing the Ideal Wine Storage System: Custom Wine Cellars

If you love to collect wine, you’ll know that it is wise to have your own custom wine cellar built at home. Wine cellars are necessary to keep your beloved wines at their best condition. Make sure that your wines are at their best when you open them. Besides the fact that wine cellars provide the best storage conditions for wine, they can also add beauty to your home. You can show your wine storage room off to your guests during occasions like wine parties with pride if your custom wine cellar is designed beautifully.

Considerations for Building and Designing Custom Wine Cellars

Cellar Refrigeration Units are an Essential Part of Proper Wine Storage Too!

Cellar Refrigeration Units are an Essential Part of Proper Wine Storage Too!

There are many considerations to take when designing and building a custom wine cellar, whether residential or commercial. A few of these considerations are the wine cellar location, the space available, wine racks needed, the lighting to use and the type of wine cellar cooling system to be installed. Moreover, these considerations have to be met according to your budget requirements.

Another important consideration for a custom wine cellar is the flooring. Wine cellar flooring is important, as it is one of the first things that your guests will see when they enter your wine cellar room. Your wine cellar flooring should be installed properly, so that it can withstand high humidity levels inside your cellar. Moreover, wine cellar floors add elegance to your custom wine cellar, and that is why you need to plan how you want it to be.

Elegant Wine Cellar Flooring: Wine Barrel Flooring

Wine barrels are one of the most popular materials used for wine cellar flooring. Reclaimed wood from old oak wine barrels are used for this kind of flooring. Old wooden wine barrels are sold and converted into classy wine barrel flooring through a special process, so that they can be reused instead of just disposed.

Wine barrel flooring is beautiful, because the barrel stamps lend diverse colors, along with unique markings and the natural stains on barrels. These prints and colors create a very warm and cozy ambiance inside a wine storage room. There are three parts of a wine barrel to choose from for wine cellar flooring, and these are the Infusion (inner part), the stave (outer part) and the cooperage (top and bottom parts).